by Emmy bright
MORE STUPIDS is a book and deck that commingles autobiography, critical theory, diagrams and dumb jokes.
You may use the set in many ways.
None are correct.
August, 2020
Sold out
▶Pre-order from the next print run (come back in 2024)
A queer post-modern tarot-esque deck that serves up hilarious and sensual fodder for foresight and insight that comes from the often overlooked encounters in life. Visual wordplay lays bare a paranoid awareness of how impossibly exposed we are, yet makes clear that, in this, we are not alone.
— Paula Wilson
What if you left aside the symbols and narrative forms of a traditional Tarot deck, but kept its weird revelations? If you embraced a kind of reading in which not only are no interpretations incorrect but also, as Emmy Bright writes, “none are correct”? MORE STUPIDS is a collection of scrawled diagrams, homemade Rothkos, and the most affecting blobs you ever saw. Their insights are canny and uncanny at once. Whether you play alone or with other people, or simply look and read, they will rearrange your feelings about thinking and your thinking about feelings.
— Lara Cohen
MORE STUPIDS is not. Emmy Bright’s visual pleasures, clarity, sense of fun are matched by her textual probity and intelligence. More Stupids illuminates. Bright’s art is, in my humble opinion, brilliant.
— Lynne Tillman

Emmy Bright works across drawing, writing, print and performance. Her work asks, How do we be there for each other? For ourselves? And where is this "there" we're all talking about? Bright earned a BA in Art History from University of Chicago, an M.Ed from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. They have exhibited widely in the United States and internationally. She currently lives in Detroit, MI, where David Klein Gallery represents her work.